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H-RISE 公益財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター 幌延地圏環境研究所

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HOME > What's New > 【Journal Article】A paper on the effects of oxidative stress on the fatty acid composition in Geobacter has been open.
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【Journal Article】A paper on the effects of oxidative stress on the fatty acid composition in Geobacter has been open.


 Please allow us to inform you that an paper on the effects of oxidative stress on the fatty acid composition in Geobacter has been open in “Journal of Oleo Science”.

Webpage of this article:
Journal of Oleo Sciene
Vol.66 (2017) No.1 page 93-101


Authors; Ueno A, Shimizu S, Hashimoto M, Adachi T, Matsushita T, Okuyama H, Yoshida K

Title: Effects of aerobic growth on the fatty acid and hydrocarbon compositions of Geobacter bemidjiensis BemT