H-RISE 公益財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター 幌延地圏環境研究所


H-RISE 公益財団法人北海道科学技術総合振興センター 幌延地圏環境研究所

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HOME > What's New > “Published online version” is available now.
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“Published online version” is available now.


We announce that the following paper is now open as “Published online version” as of August 12, 2014,
which has already been open as “Accepted author version” as of March 4, 2014 in Geomicrobiology Journal.

Ueno A, Shimizu S, Tamamura S, Naganuma T, Ohmi Y, Kaneko K (2014)
Structural Alteration of Humic Acids by Pseudomonas spp. from Deep Terrestrial Subsurface Diatomite Formations in Northernmost Japan.
Geomicrobiology Journal 31:654-663.
