Research and Development (Subsurface Microbiology Research Group)
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Northern Advancement Center for Science & Technology
5-3 Sakaemachi, Horonobe-cho, Teshio-gun, Hokkaido, 098-3221, Japan.
FAX +81-1632-9-4113
5-3 Sakaemachi, Horonobe-cho, Teshio-gun, Hokkaido, 098-3221, Japan.
FAX +81-1632-9-4113
Research Contents
Subject of Research: Elucidation of the subsurface microbial biosphere and search for microbial resources.
1. Understanding the structure of microbial communities and exploring for unknown microorganisms.
Sampling highly anaerobic subsurface microorganisms in Northern Hokkaido to investigate the microbial community structure and search for unknown microorganisms.
2. Clarification of biological and engineering functions of microorganisms.
Create a repository of subsurface microorganisms in Northern Hokkaido and elucidate their biological and engineering functions, particularly, the rate of initial methane production, organic matter decomposition, carbon dioxide fixation. The scope shall be expanded with the progress of research.
3. Acquisition of useful microorganisms (group) and gene analysis.
Acquire microorganisms (groups) with useful engineering functions present in the subsurface of Northern Hokkaido and analyze their genes. The microorganisms will be sub-cultured to find the optimal culture conditions, so they can be used as a gene resource.
4. Study on the field science to understand the subsurface environment of diatom formations and coal layers.
Estimate and evaluate the subsurface microbial ecosystem by constructing a phylogenetic database of microorganisms living in diatom formations and coal layers.
Sampling highly anaerobic subsurface microorganisms in Northern Hokkaido to investigate the microbial community structure and search for unknown microorganisms.
2. Clarification of biological and engineering functions of microorganisms.
Create a repository of subsurface microorganisms in Northern Hokkaido and elucidate their biological and engineering functions, particularly, the rate of initial methane production, organic matter decomposition, carbon dioxide fixation. The scope shall be expanded with the progress of research.
3. Acquisition of useful microorganisms (group) and gene analysis.
Acquire microorganisms (groups) with useful engineering functions present in the subsurface of Northern Hokkaido and analyze their genes. The microorganisms will be sub-cultured to find the optimal culture conditions, so they can be used as a gene resource.
4. Study on the field science to understand the subsurface environment of diatom formations and coal layers.
Estimate and evaluate the subsurface microbial ecosystem by constructing a phylogenetic database of microorganisms living in diatom formations and coal layers.
Researches on field science for better understanding of subsurface environment for diatomaceous formation and coal beds.
Estimation and assessment of subsurface microbial ecosystem by developing a phylogenetic database for microorganisms living in diatomaceous formation and coal beds.

Research Topics & Publications
- Yoshida K, Hashimoto M, Hori R, Adachi T, Okuyama H, Orikasa Y, Nagamine T, Shimizu S, Ueno A, Morita N (2016) Bacterial long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids: their biosynthetic genes, functions, and practical use. Marine Drugs 14:
- Shimizu S, Ueno A, Tamamura S, Naganuma T, Kaneko K (2013) Methanoculleus horonobensis sp. nov., a methanogenic archaeon isolated from a deep diatomaceous shale formation. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63: 4320–4323 (adopted in cover photo).
- Shimizu S, Upadhye R, Ishijima Y, Naganuma T (2011) Methanosarcina horonobensis sp. nov., a methanogenic archaeon isolated from a deep subsurface Miocene formation. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61:2503–2507.
- Shimizu S, Akiyama M, Naganuma T, Fujioka M, Nako M, Ishijima Y (2007) Molecular characterization of microbial communities in deep coal seam groundwater of northern Japan. Geobiology 5:423-433.

Research Activities & Column
- 2024/10/22【Journal Article】Announcement of Publication in Microbiology Resource Announcements (MRA)
- 2022/10/08【Journal Article】A paper on "Research results leading to the acceleration and mass production of biomethane using lignite, an unused resource" has been published.
- 2021/02/16【Journal Article】A paper on a novel sulfate-reducing bacterium has been published online in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM).
- 2019/11/29【Poster presentation】Presentation in the 42nd MBSJ, Fukuoka, Japan.
- 2019/09/04JHSS35 is held in Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan.

Major Equipments
- 1. Anaerobic Chambers (Hirasawa Co., Ltd)
- 2. Deoxygenized Gas Pressure & Replace Injector:GR-8 (SANSHIN INDUSTRIAL Co., Ltd / GR-8)
- 3. Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry (JEOL Co. Ltd / JMS-Q1050GC)
- 4. Liquid Chromatography (SHIMADZU Co. Ltd / LC20A)
- 5. Gas Chromatography (SHIMADZU Co. Ltd / GC-8A, GC-14B, GC-2010 Plus)