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【Poster presentation】Presentation in the 42nd MBSJ, Fukuoka, Japan.
Dear visitors
We would like to inform you of our poster presentation
in the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan
(42nd MBSJ), Fukuoka, Japan.
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Web site of the 42nd MBSJ
Period : December 3, (Tue) - 6 (Fri), 2019
Venue : Fukuoka International Congress Center,
Fukuoka Sunpalace Hotel & Hall,
Marine Messe Fukuoka
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Information on the poster presentation is as follows:
Session : Late-breaking Abstracts
Poster No. : 4LBA-107
Date of presentation : December 6 (Fri), 2019
Poster and discussion (Core time) : 9:30-10:30 (60 min)
Title :
Subsurface Cultivation and Gasification. 〜A pilot experiment aiming at optimizing biomethane generation〜
Akio Ueno (presenter), Satoshi Tamazawa, Shuji Tamamura, Takuma Murakami, Tamotsu Kiyama, Hidenori Inomata, Hideo Aoyama, Shinji Yamagichi, Takeshi Naganuma, Katsuhiko Kaneko
Brief contents of this presentation
• Introduction of the Subsurface Cultivation and Gasification (SCG) method.
• Results of cultivation experiments using Lignite + H2O2 solution.
• Results of microbial community analysis.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 42nd MBSJ.